
Welcome to my portfolio site. You can find my email at the bottom.


Screen Time × Mindfulness × Connection

Snazz promotes digital health by providing tools and insights that empower us to use technology as a means of enhancing, rather than detracting from, our overall well-being. They aim to “unlock digital health for everyone, fostering a world where technology enhances, rather than detracts from, our overall well-being.”

Snazz! | Early iterations and typography guidelines

I provided design insights and completed the first brand guidelines for the company. This includes initial logo design and adjustments, as well as color, typography, accessibility, and iconography examples at the developing stage. My service also extends to providing samples and prototypes of marketing promotional materials such as prototypes for cap, t-shirts, and print-outs.

Onscreen prototypes and promotional motion graphics are also provided while we work out the final branding direction.